It's going to be a long wait, well into the night for most of us. So here's some Things To Do while you're waiting for the tweets and twitpix to start zinging through the cybersphere:
1. Watch the old bloopers on Youtube.

-Season One
-Season Two
-Season Three
-Season Four
-Season Five

2. Enjoy the wit and wisdom of James "Sawyer" Ford.
3. Check out Vozzek's old IMDB Comic Strip Series. These are some real antiques, from back when Vozzek and DarkUFO were holding court in the teenage frathouse at the LOST IMDB boards. I can give credit where it's due, even when it's to a fanboy. These are funny.

4. Re-watch The Onion ode to LOST fans and resolve to be a less weird LOST fan this year.
Which reminds me that now might be a good time to review Why LOST Owes Us Nothing.

6. Read some more excellent recent articles about LOST:
"Fantasy Island" from The Independent.
I love Lost the way I love fast food. I look forward to it with a sugary pang of guilt, devour it lustily and then, an hour later, find myself hollow, disappointed and regretting my former enthusiasm. Yet I keep going back for more.

Jeff Jensen: I've long cheered Sawyer and Kate. I kinda never understood what Jack sees in her. Actually, I've never understood what Kate saw in HIM--he only ever makes her feel crappy about herself. She deserves better. Someone asked earlier in the chat if I ever predicted something that came true, and yes, there is one: That Juliet would die.

It's been done with love and attention and the evident and ceaseless passion of true, red-blooded nerds, and in the end, it's going to leave holes, because it has to, because what they bit off is just that big. ... Going forward with a show, raising question after question after question, asking people to be patient about a monster for five-plus seasons, knowing that it's all going to get you a kick in the teeth from your own adoring fans someday because you have taken on more than you will ever be able to really explain? That's audacious.

There's still some waiting left, but not much. We're getting down to the hours and the minutes. Stay chill, fishies. Catch a livestream of The Big Event by Aloha Bruce. And come on over to The Fishelage to gab about it!
Good job Jeff Jensen. You're on the right side of things. Andwhat he said is exactly how Jate is.
Cherry picking much?
Read the rest of the JENSEN chat:
"Jeff Jensen: A couple years ago, I would have said Des/Pen. Last year, I became convinced that Sawyer and Kate should be together... but then Sawyer and Juliet changed my mind. But you know, the Lost "Last Supper" promos have totally reminded me that the romance that means the most to the show--and me--has been the one that's been there from the beginning: Jin and Sun."
"Jeff Jensen: I've long cheered Sawyer and Kate. I kinda never understood what Jack sees in her. Actually, I've never understood what Kate saw in HIM--he only ever makes her feel crappy about herself. She deserves better. Someone asked earlier in the chat if I ever predicted something that came true, and yes, there is one: That Juliet would die. I knew that the second I saw how awesome she and Sawyer were together in "LaFleur." I thought, "The only way they can now allow Sawyer and Kate to be together is to kill Juliet." Because if he dumped her for Kate, the audience would have puked with rage."
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