Monday, October 22, 2007

Featured post of the Week - Tales from the Fishelage

It's time to revive this tradition of featuring some of the creative genius of our readers. This week I want to call everyone's attention to this incredibly persuasive essay argued almost entirely in pictures, by Susan14509. A picture speaks a thousand words, and these pictures make a case for Skate that ten million words couldn't rebut. Thanks for this, Susan!

"I understand that most of the Jaters are Foxy fans, and they think he’s the hero, and it’s been planned from the beginning, blah blah blah, and they want the hero to get the girl.

But what about ‘the girl’? Why doesn’t anyone care what she wants? What should Kate get? Why should Kate have to be with Jack?

Why would Kate want to look like this...

When she could look like this?

Why would Kate choose a man who makes her feel like this…

Over a man who makes her feel like this?

If she loves him so much, why wouldn’t she grab onto the man who just told her he loves her when his life is threatened…

Like she does for someone who told her he loves her, but she only feels pity for?

Why would she want to sit around a fire with someone who bores her…

When she could be laughing and playing a game and having fun?

Why would she look like this after kissing the man she loves…

When she could look like this?

Why would she want a man who looks at her like this…

When she could have a man who looks at her like this?

Why would she want to be touched like this…

When she could be touched like this?

And not that Kate’s superficial or anything, but why would she want to see this every night…

When she could see this?

And the biggest question of all, way back in season one, ‘the season of Jate’, why did she give Sawyer more than “just one little kiss”?

I wish a Jater could answer these questions with a logical explanation."

1 comment:

Slipca said...

Good job =) Skate forever ♥